50 – 50 draw

The 50-50 draw could return, if enough people express an interest in it.

Usually, the club runs a monthly draw which is open to all. Each person taking part pays £12 a year and is allotted a number. Of the total amount received, 50% is paid out in prizes and 50% is retained by the club to help with ongoing expenses. Our first draw was very successful, having paid out almost £600 over the period & raised the same amount for the Club. 

The winning number is drawn each month, in the presence of at least three club members, and is posted on this page on or about the 20th of the month. The prize money for 2019/20 was £30 per month with a bonus draw at Christmas.

If you’d like to see the draw start up again, please contact secretary@ryedalesportsclub.org.uk.