August 2023
Time for a tidy-up session. A team of some dozen volunteers, all members with an average age of 73¾, doing a bit of strimming & hedge-cutting. Followed, of course, by tea & games in the clubhouse afterwards. Also a presentation of some sort, but it’s probably best not to mention that. Bribery & corruption, y’know.
December 2022
Our second Quiz Night, again arranged by Elaine & Peter, was a great success. The feedback we received was fantastic, everyone who took part enjoyed a great night and the Club made some much-appreciated brass.
Thanks to everyone involved, especially E & P, plus all the helpers, donors, suppliers, bartenders & quizzers.
We plan on having another Quiz Night before next Easter, date to be confirmed.
On another note, this is how all the hard work put in by Roger & Eric (including the ongoing battle with mare’s tail) has been progressing…
September 2022
Our first quiz night was held, with most of the hard work put in by Elaine & Peter. From the feedback received, it was much enjoyed by all and raised some much-needed funds for the club. Thanks also to everyone who donated raffle prizes, Stephen for selling tickets and bartenders Adam (a.k.a. Andy!) & Steve. New, improved Xmas quiz to follow!
May 2022
Congratulations to Alan Kimber, seen here receiving his trophy & medal from chairman John Stott. He’s been chosen as the Most Improved player in Ryedale Table Tennis League last season.
He’ll have to work a bit harder now, though, because he’s been promoted to Division 1 in the Ryedale league!
March 2022
Even indoor sport – i.e. table tennis – is now back on the menu & fully de-restricted, we’re glad to say. So, to use the vernacular, fill yer boots!
September 2021
We’ve decided, with regret, to cancel this year’s Rounders Day. A number of teams who were keen to play pulled out at the last minute, enough that the day could have been a bit of a damp squib. Apart from this we will try to carry on as usual, and hope to see you all next year instead.
If you’d like to support the club despite this, please remember you can still help us by doing much of your usual online shopping via Easy Fund Raising.
July 2021
Footie news – Pickering FC visited us for a game to raise funds for the Dave Cowton Memorial Clock Tower. (The score’s not really important, but let me just point out that the visitors changed their entire team for the first squad in the second half.) A very enjoyable event, and one which could even become an annual fixture.
May 2021
It is with great sadness that we have been informed that Dave Cowton has passed away.
Dave has been a big part of the Ryedale Sports Club family, and a very likeable and respectable character to all.
Our thoughts and condolences go out to his family at this sad and difficult time.
April 2021
Eric & Roger have been keeping busy (with a little assist from others)….
Feb. 2021
Still getting stuff done, despite the lockdown. Currently we’re trying to improve the look of the outside, all environmentally friendly of course. This is a work-in-progress, by the way!
Dec. 2020
Although we’ve been closed due to the lockdown, we have splashed out on refurbishing the clubhouse. There’s also been lots of general tidying-up going on behind the scenes. Many thanks to all those involved, too many to mention. Volunteers like you keep the club spic & span and help keep everyone’s fees down, as well as making us more attractive to new members.
Talking of keeping fees down, we’ve signed up with, so you can make FREE donations to us when you shop online. Over 4,000 sites – including eBay, John Lewis, Argos, Amazon and M&S – will donate to us when you use easyfundraising to shop with them. See the link above for details.
Race night 2020
Hope you’ve seen the email (or heard) that we’ve had to postpone our Race Night for the time being. As we had to pay some costs for the event in advance, we’re not proposing to refund everybody’s hard-earned yet, but if anyone does want their money back, please ask!
Xmas tournament 2019
The table tennis section of Ryedale Sports Club held their annual tournament on December 28th.
Seventeen members entered all hoping to win the two prestigious shield trophies, and to get their names on the winners’ board.
The evening was most enjoyable, with three tables full of lovely left over Christmas food, including wine.
The winner of the main event was Pat Swindell, who beat John Flintoft in a thrilling final.
The handicap event was won by Stephen Temple, who despite feeling under par managed to beat Pat Swindell into second place.
A big thank you to Trevor Teasdale for arranging the tournament once again.
Jean Wardman
Fun Quiz Night
As last year’s event was so good, we did it again!
Another enjoyable evening, thanks again to our hard-working tennis reps. & assistants.
August 2019
Thanks to Chris & Fred for running repairs to the clubhouse balcony which had been looking a bit the worse for wear. And thanks also to John G., our molecatcher-in-chief, for supplying the necessary materials, and to John E. for getting stuck into the changing rooms with a paintbrush.
The new football & table tennis seasons are here again. To show we mean business at RSC, and to get us a bit more attention, we’ve become a Table Tennis England Associate Club.
The football section is also going from strength to strength & Ryedale FC is now an FA Charter Standard club. Could that mean the annual subscriptions will be going up? Probably not, but that’s just my opinion. The AGM may have more to say about it – Sunday November 24th at 17:00, come along & find out.
Talking of fees, table tennis & football subs. are due for renewal on 1st September. Please pay early so we don’t have to send the boys (i.e. Chairman Rob) round!
Rounders Day 2019 has come & gone!
Again, many generous donations & much hard work put in by people too numerous to mention. That includes John Ellis, who sadly couldn’t come on the day and was much missed – but we fully expect him back next year! All very enjoyable nonetheless and we raised £950 for the club, of which £100 will go to Macmillan Cancer Support.
Race Night April 5th 2019
We are pleased to announce that the Race Night organised by the Table Tennis section, suggested by Andy Dent, (Ryedale F) as their fund raiser was a huge success. Thank you to everybody who contributed in any way, shape or form.
A big thank you to our generous Race Sponsors:-
John Flintoft, Ironmongers, Pickering
Eyre and Elliston, Electrical, Malton
Charles Hopkinson & Sons, Steam & Moorland Garden Centre, Pickering
Paul Cuthbertson, Heating Engineers, Malton
Rob Wilkinson, Television House, Pickering
Thanks also to the following:-
Lisa Abbott, Barnies Sarnies, Norton, for donating the delicious pies.
Jessica Draper for donating and baking 60 lovely cup cakes.
Over 50 people attended and a good fun night was had by all. And we raised an incredible £858.
The Club now has enough plates, cutlery, etc. for future events.
The raffle made £113, thank you so much to everybody who donated such great prizes, from free tickets on NYMR, £20 voucher for Cedar Barn, a fab Royal Horticultural Society A to Z Encyclopedia of plants, and loads of others too numerous to mention.
Roger Dunning won the lucky entrance draw, £20.
The Horse and Jockey winners are as follows:-
Race 1 | Horse 2 | Canterbury Belle | Barbara Gray |
Jockey | Brian Stelling | ||
Race 2 | Horse 1 | Shortbread | Fred Blanchard |
Jockey | Andy Dent | ||
Race 3 | Horse 2 | Pidgeon Post | Ken Pidgeon |
Jockey | Ian Hutchison | ||
Race 4 | Horse 7 | Coaster Crazy | Jan Bryan |
Riderless |
Christmas tournament 2018
The table tennis section held its annual tournament on 27th December. The tournament was again organised by Trevor Teasdale.
Fifteen players took part and it was a most enjoyable evening with lots of left-over Christmas food, and home made wine.
Stephen Temple was once again the winner of both main and handicap event, picking up the two trophies.
2018 Quiz + pie & peas supper
On 16th November the Tennis Section held a fund raising evening in aid of the Club, organising a Quiz with a fab Pie and Pea supper. It was a great evening enjoyed by all who attended & raised always-appreciated funds.
Annual General Meeting 2018
After many, many years as club member, committee member, assistant groundsman, plumber, general DIYer, mole-catcher-in-chief, table tennis player, team captain & coach, and all-round good guy, John Gascoyne stepped down from the committee and as Chairman of the club.
He was presented with a light for his bedroom, as it appears he often spends time there but not actually sleeping! Seriously though, we shall miss his wise counsel at meetings in future, but fully expect him to retain all his other roles as well as offer us advice when he thinks it’d help.
(Pictured, l-to-r, Club President John Ellis, John Gascoyne & Rob Wilkinson.)
Congratulations to Rob Wilkinson who was appointed Chairman, and John Stott who is now Vice-Chairman.
If you’re interested, the full AGM minutes are available on our Downloads page.
Rounders Day 2018
Well, that was fun! We raised some £1,100-odd for the club which will help to keep us going, and from that the committee decided to donate £100 to the British Heart Foundation. Most importantly, I think everyone enjoyed themselves – which is what it was all about.
Many thanks to all those who gave freely of their time & effort to arrange everything (club members & press-ganged families), to everyone who donated all manner of prizes, food & drink, those who kindly let us have use of a neighbouring field for additional car parking, and last but not least to all the players who ran around like crazy in the sweltering heat & provided such a spectacle.
Congratulations to Walker’s Wonders, led by Dan Walker, who managed to retain the title against stiff opposition, beating Football Coming Home in an exciting final.
Roll on Rounders Day 2019!